Evaluation of Vertical Vibration of a High-rise Steel Building Caused by Human Group Rhythmic Activities
인간의 집단율동에 의한 고층철골건물의 연직진동평가

Ji-Hyun Hwang, Kyungkoo Lee
2013 Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation  
In this study, the effects of human group rhythmic activities on vertical vibration of a high-rise steel building were analytically evaluated. A eigenvalue analysis was first conducted in order to investigate the mode shapes and the vibration characteristics of the building. The requirements for an accurate analysis were drawn based on the comparisons of the measured natural frequencies of the building and the estimated natural frequencies of the building. Then, linear time history analyses
more » ... conducted by applying human group rhythmic activities to the slab of the 12th floor of the building model. From the analysis results, the vertical vibration acceleration responses in the upper floors amplified by resonance between building and excitations were evaluated.
doi:10.9798/kosham.2013.13.4.007 fatcat:3emhjnfyt5dkzd4qu7jkb3lely