A Study on Livelihoods of Agricultural Workers of RishivandhiyamVillage Panchayat in Villupuram District, Tamil Nadu

B. VijayKumar, P. Murugesan
2018 Asian Review of Social Sciences  
Agriculture is considered to be the key sector in India as a result of quite 70.0 % of the population is relying upon agriculture. As a result, a lot of stress has been created for development for agriculture through the setup amount. Such stress is absolutely even on the cluster that agriculture is allotted the key role, trying into the magnitude of the world in terms of employment and financial gain and also the importance of the agriculture merchandise during a developed country like India.
more » ... hough there has been tremendous progress in India since independence this sector isn't developed up to expect and is meriting of terribly special thought. so as to utilize their fullest capability for max production they must be supplied with a minimum of blank minimum needs i.e., enough food, shelter, cloth, medical facilities education etc., as a result, the agricultural productivity can increase. The steps taken to higher the condition of the staff through varied schemes and plans has not been denied however all those don't seem to be enough of the quantum of efforts created and time concerned are put together taken in to thought whereas creating a "cost benefit" analysis of all rural economic development programs. The agriculture sector plays a vital and important role in development of the rural and national economy, agriculture labourer is socially and economically poorest section of the society they are landless people, unemployment,low wages and social backwardness constitute the poverty syndrome among agricultural labourers. In this study was conducted on the economic status of agricultural labours in Rishivandhiyam village panchayat in Villupuram district, further the study to analyse socio economic status, wage structure, nature of work and problem. Finally, the study was found that major findings on the basis empirical evidence and give to suitable recommendations for upward mobility of socio-economic condition of agriculture labours.
doi:10.51983/arss-2018.7.3.1476 fatcat:hzceg3qeqnfwrpjndedva3z3p4