The Lancet
635 and she was rather livid and somewhat collapsed. He had her taken out of the tank, and hot bottles applied to her surface. The lividity quickly passed away, and her temperature ran up to 104'2°. She was ordered a mixture, every four hours, containing one grain and a half of caffeine and five minims of the tincture of belladonna in each dose. She was put into the tank at 98°, but her temperature remained about 104° for some hours. It has fallen this morning to 101 .8°, and is now going
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... ly down. Dr. Wallace added three minims of the tincture of digitalis to each dose of her mixture. You will now find her very comfortable, and I have no doubt she will get quite well. This case illustrates the necessity for keeping a close watch over the temperature of the tank when the patient has only been put into it at a late stage of the disease, when the vital powers are low. This is more especially the case in children where the cooling surface of the skin is relatively great to the mass of the body ; and in them the power of reaction is less than in adults. CASE 9.4—Harriet J-, aged twenty-two, was admitted to hospital last night, the thirteenth day of the disease. This is only a moderately severe case of typhoid, and I have mo doubt she will do very well. She is very comfortable in the tank, and will tell you so herself. March 15th, 180.—Since I began this method of treating typhoid fever I have had seventeen cases of this disease ,under my care. Of these twelve have been treated in the tank and five I did not deem sufficiently severe to necessitate the employment of the tank. The mortality has been nil. I wish to take this opportunity of expressing my deep obligations to our very able house-physician, Dr. Quintin B Wallace, whose services, unfortunately, we are now losing, and to our excellent staff of nurses, for the very careful I manner in which this treatment has been carried out.