Treading the lines between self‐interest, cultural relativism and universal principles

David Lamond, David Lamond
2008 Management Decision  
Purpose: This paper introduces this special issue of Management Decision by exploring the themes of the issue and the contribution of each of the articles in the collection. Approach: The paper reviews notions of ethics, justice and responsibility. It then uses the framework developed through this review as the basis for an appreciation of the articles that constitute the issue. Value: This article provides an introduction to, and suggests an overarching framework for, this special issue on
more » ... tions we ask about ethics in a global marketplace. It is also an important reminder to managers and employees who constitute the entities to which "responsibility" is generally attached, that responsibility, ultimately, is irreducible beyond the individual, who cannot simply "follow orders".
doi:10.1108/00251740810901336 fatcat:vearngktxzgcrcme3xqqhnmm6q