A Consideration on the Estimation of Blasting Vibration in Tunnel Excavation

Atsuo HIRATA, Katsuhiko KANEKO
1992 Shigen-to-Sozai  
Estimation of blasting vibration is important for the safety control in blasting work. In the previous report about the blasting vibration in tunnel excavation, the authors proposed a method to predict the amplitude spectrum of blasting vibration. In the present paper, a method to predict the maximum amplitude of blasting vibration is proposed. Analyzing the time series of blasting vibration on the basis of the probability, it is made clear that the maximum amplitude of the waveform in time
more » ... in can be evaluated from the amplitude spectrum in frequency domain. Since the amplitude spectrum is theoretically calculated by the previously proposed method, the maximum amplitude of the blasting vibration can be also evaluated theoretically. It is shown that the proposed method gives good estimations for the maximum amplitude as well as the power spectrum of blasting vibration in tunnel excavation.
doi:10.2473/shigentosozai.108.389 fatcat:r2kgkvgdfnfsbhki4ddcqia4nq