A barycentric coordinates-based visualization framework for movement of microscopic organisms

Andrea Bodonyi, Győző Kurucz, Gábor Holló, Roland Kunkli
2021 Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae  
As many research projects face the need to manage a large amount of generated research-specific data, usually with a specific structure, the demand for visualization systems is common. Likewise, the emerging data volume could turn substantially transparent cast in a visual appearance. Also, the non-trivial character of the dataset made the construction of a custom visualization necessary. Taking the possessed requirements into account, we designed a tool for processing the simulation data and
more » ... ndling the issue resulted from the indirectness with a previously analyzed barycentric conversion method. The system also visualizes the microscopic organism's behavior and supports a straightforward data analysis through several built-in tools.
doi:10.33039/ami.2021.04.006 fatcat:uehgkrwmn5btnfuzyiwtjjzrya