Discrete-Time Feedback Error Learning for Unknown Nonlinear Systems

Sirisak Wongsura, Waree Kongprawechnon
2007 Second International Conference on Innovative Computing, Informatio and Control (ICICIC 2007)  
In this study, the technique of Discrete-Time Feedback Error Learning (DTFEL) is investigated from the viewpoint of adaptive control. First, the relationship between DTFEL and nonlinear discrete-time adaptive control with adaptive feedback linearization is discussed. It shows that DTFEL can be interpreted as a form of nonlinear adaptive control. Second, Lyapunov analysis of the controlled system is presented. It suggests that the condition of strictly positive realness (s.p.r.) associated with
more » ... he tracking error dynamics is a sufficient condition for asymptotic stability of the closed-loop dynamics. Specifically, for a class of second order SISO systems, it is shown that the control problems is reduced to select the feedback gain that satisfies the s.p.r. Finally, numerical simulations is presented to illustrate the stability properties of DTFEL obtained from mathematical analysis.
doi:10.1109/icicic.2007.269 fatcat:jikowcldmrgkrmpm3ggjprtdua