Nanomaterials in Surface Treatment of the Wood [chapter]

Izet Horman, Aida Sapcanin, Esed Azemovic, Mirha Pazalja
2012 DAAAM Proceedings  
According to the current development dynamics of nanostructured-materials area one can conclude that all the advantages of these materials will be economically exploited in the near future. This refers to the replacement of current materials and improvement of their properties, but also to the use of their completely new properties. This paper presents the research results of decorative protective films formed from nanostructured materials. Standard methods for testing the decorative protective
more » ... films were implemented: hardness, resistance to mechanical damage, adhesion and water permeability. Test results have shown that nanomaterials intended for surface treatment of products for outdoor use show increased resistance to mechanical damage and water absorption, as well as satisfactory hardness and adhesion.
doi:10.2507/23rd.daaam.proceedings.230 fatcat:tvzyyw3xf5frreyin2kon3jbbm