Evaluation on Pause of Time Interval in Sound Translation Replacing Formal Information Depending on Sense of Sight with Speech Language

Miyako TAKAMATSU, Yoshimasa TAWATSUJI, Tatsunori MATSUI
2017 Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering  
The focus of this paper is the reading process of sound translation. Reading process of sound translation is a process of replacing information of a symbolic language written on a visual copyrighted work with information of a speech language. And, it is considered that the pause of time interval inserted in the speech sound performs an important function of replacing formal information of the symbolic language expressed depending on the sense of sight with information of the speech language. To
more » ... clarify the function of this interval, experiments was conducted using synthetic speech; which controlled paralinguistic information. The subjects were the interval of punctuation marks and bracket signs, which replace the formal sign of the symbolic language with the interval. As a result of experiments, synthetic speech in which the interval used by transliteration persons was reflected in punctuation marks and bracket signs was evaluated as appropriate as a talking book.
doi:10.5057/jjske.tjske-d-17-00046 fatcat:6qvsak2nrjhrpm53tndnbbllvq