Nonlinear theory of free-electron lasers and efficiency enhancement

P. Sprangle, Cha-Mei Tang, W. M. Manheimer
1980 Physical review. A, General physics  
1.. BTI~AI. (."Inutltj an rev.ers gle 411414 e i 7UbiV h 1s4;,msr ' he de-ifopment ol kastri in whick .ths active mediums I$ a re-latlvlstk strcam of free eldetrons ha' rcv.t:'eoked much interest. rhe potntial advintagesr oi ch frev eiectron laserr. include, among other things, continuous frequency tunability, very high power of operatbios asid hiigh efficiency. Vic free electron laamr ;s charmeterized by a pump field; foi example., a spatially periodic magnetic filrd, which scatters from o,
more » ... ativistic electron bkatn. The scattered radiation has a wavelength much smaller thaai the pump wavelength depending on the electron (Continued)
doi:10.1103/physreva.21.302 fatcat:isavl3henjcbheblc3focx2ely