Statistical Analysis for Revealing Defects in Software Projects: Systematic Literature Review

Alia Nabil Mahmoud, Vítor Santos
2021 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Defect detection in software is the procedure to identify parts of software that may comprise defects. Software companies always seek to improve the performance of software projects in terms of quality and efficiency. They also seek to deliver the soft-ware projects without any defects to the communities and just in time. The early revelation of defects in software projects is also tried to avoid failure of those projects, save costs, team effort, and time. Therefore, these companies need to
more » ... ld an intelligent model capable of detecting software defects accurately and efficiently. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the materials and methods, PRISMA, search questions, and search strategy. Section 3 presents the results with an analysis, and discussion, visualizing analysis and analysis per topic. Section 4 presents the methodology. Finally, in Section 5, the conclusion is discussed. The search string was applied to all electronic repositories looking for papers published between 2015 and 2021, which resulted in 627 publications. The results focused on finding three important points by linking the results of manuscript analysis and linking them to the results of the bibliometric analysis. First, the results showed that the number of defects and the number of lines of code are among the most important factors used in revealing software defects. Second, neural networks and regression analysis are among the most important smart and statistical methods used for this purpose. Finally, the accuracy metric and the error rate are among the most important metrics used in comparisons between the efficiency of statistical and intelligent models.
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2021.0121128 fatcat:4q3f7v2uwbgozmrzbwjnp4snja