Knowledge sharing in the retail food protection program: perceived importance and actual implementation

Seunghee Wie, Yong S. Choi, Joungkoo Park
2017 International Journal of Knowledge Management in Tourism and Hospitality  
This study empirically examines the critical success factors affecting the success of knowledge sharing in food inspection agencies. The study population included health inspectors from all 58 counties of California, USA, and the total number of responses was 119. The degree of importance for 21 knowledge sharing attributes ranged from 3.89 to 4.73 with a group mean rating of 4.28 (5 = very important, 1 = not important) while the degree of implementation of knowledge sharing ranged from 2.72 to
more » ... 3.75 with a group mean rating of 3.20 (5 = extensively implemented, 1 = not implemented). There were significant differences between the degree of importance and the degree of implementation for all attributes. The five factors were labelled as systematic support for knowledge sharing, knowledge sharing framework, knowledge sharing training, information system capabilities and administrative culture on knowledge sharing. The 'knowledge sharing training' was positively associated with the success of knowledge sharing.
doi:10.1504/ijkmth.2017.084574 fatcat:3xuyvhpyqbfpjbhxflq3dawi5i