Ecological and behavioural factors affecting philopatry and life history patterns of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris) in the southern Alberta prairie region [article]

Berna-Dean Holland, University Of Calgary, Kathreen E. Ruckstuhl, Peter Neuhaus
The personality of an individual greatly influences its fitness. Yet, most conclusions about fitness, are often drawn from a population level perspective. In this thesis, I underline the importance of studying personality in behavioural ecology, and conservation. This thesis is the product of three years of research into personality, philopatry, and the life-history of yellow-bellied marmots (Marmota flaviventris), occurring in the extreme southern region of Alberta. My research methodology
more » ... lved a hybrid approach, incorporating both my Métis-Indigenous way of exploring, and experiments drawn from standardized methodologies of western science. This thesis represents the first detailed study of yellow-bellied marmots living within the prairie ecozone of southern Alberta Canada; one of the most northern ranges of this species. In Chapter 1, I present my observational findings of ecology and general life history patterns of this species as it occurs in this region. In chapter 2, I present my investigation into whether personality and sex of individual yellow-bellied marmots living in this region, play a significant role in philopatry; the tendency of individual offspring to remain within their natal home. The experiments revealed consistent response of individual marmots across a variety of situations representing an anti-predator context. However, the only factor found to have an effect on philopatry, was the sex of individuals. I end with a summary of my results and recommendations for future research.
doi:10.11575/prism/38558 fatcat:tpvqs73mhna65ik3xjdthu5p6q