Macromycetes of the State Museum-Reserve «Kulikovo Field» vicinities
Макромицеты окрестностей государственного музея-заповедника «Куликово поле»

Tatyana Svetasheva, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University
2021 Diversity of plant world  
The paper presents the combined results of studies of the macromycetes found in the vicinities of the state museum-reserve «Kulikovo Field» for 2000–2017. The annotated list includes 375 species of macrofungi from the Ascomycota and Basidiomycota phyla. 5 species included in in the second edition of the Red Data Book of Tula Region are marked.
doi:10.22281/2686-9713-2021-4-61-79 fatcat:ovipel2hdjbsreqdjylko62dx4