Biomechanical Analysis of Resorbable Barbed Suture Tenorrhaphy

Sang Hwan Lee, Seok Hwan Kim, Hwa Young Oh, Eun Soo Park, Ho Seong Shin, Sung Gyun Jung
2016 Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand  
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( 3.0/) which permits unrestricted noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Purpose: To evaluate the tensile strength and repair-site profile of a technique of resorbable barbed suture tenorrhaphy. Methods: Forty-eight flexor digitorum profundus tendons were collected
more » ... om the 8 adult cadavers. In the test group, the tendons were sutured using absorbent 2-0 barb knotless sutures in a 2-strand or 4-strand zig-zag pattern. In the control group, 2-0 Prolene and 3-0 polydioxanone (PDS) were used to suture the tendons using the 2-stand Modified Kessler method and the 4-strand cruciate suture method. Using a tensile force measurement machine, the breaking load (N) and the stiffness (N/mm) were measured. The types of rupture were categorized into suture breaking, knot rupture, and pullout. Results: In the comparative analysis between the absorbent 2-0 Quill (Angiotech Pharmaceuticals, Canada) suture that used the 2-strand core suture and the 3-0 PDS and 2-0 Prolene sutures, the average breaking load for the 2-0 Quill suture was 26.83±7.47 N, and 21.96±6.78 N and 17.20±4.93 N for the 2-0 Prolene and 3-0 PDS sutures. In the comparison using the 4-strand core suture, the average breaking load for the 2-0 Quill suture was 62.50±13.34 N, and 22.35±5.72 N and 18.67±4.27 N for the 2-0 prolene and 3-0 PDS sutures. The most common type of rupture were knot rupture. Conclusion: For flexor tendon sutures using the absorbent barb sutures, compared to the conventional 2-0 Prolene or 3-0 PDS sutures, absorbent barbed sutures have a higher tensile strength.
doi:10.12790/jkssh.2016.21.4.198 fatcat:3gehjnscpjerzamhpnkgxmf4zm