The REMIND-MAgPIE model and scenarios for transition risk analysis. A report prepared by PIK for the UNEP-FI Banking Pilot project (Phase 2)

Jérôme Hilaire, Christoph Bertram
This technical report documents the REMIND-MAgPIE model and the REMIND-MAgPIE scenarios that were selected to support transition risk analysis for the Task-Force for Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) Banking Pilot Phase II. REMIND-MAgPIE is an optimisation model that integrates the macroeconomic, agriculture and land-use, energy, water and climate systems. It describes, in a forward-looking fashion, the complex and non-linear dynamics in and between these systems. In line with the
more » ... D recommendations, the scenarios generated with this model can be integrated into risks assessments frameworks to identify and evaluate the risks related to a transition to a low-carbon economy.
doi:10.2312/pik.2020.006 fatcat:k2cg4h435zg7jknfu3uv7g6rd4