Modeling Intermodal Freight Hub Location Decisions

Ackchai Sirikijpanichkul, Luis Ferreira
2006 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics  
The paper presents an evaluation model for the location decisions of road-rail intermodal freight hub. The problem of optimizing individual freight actor's benefits is addressed in the model which comprises four different modules. Each of the modules represents a hub user, a hub owner or operator, a transport network infrastructure provider and the affected local community. The model is aimed at providing comprehensive operational, economic and environmental criteria for location evaluation decisions pertinent to every stakeholder involved.
doi:10.1109/icsmc.2006.384503 dblp:conf/smc/SirikijpanichkulF06 fatcat:5usc2a2hv5fxtpfposez2kwsqi