The various system aspects of the main power supply of the CERN-SPS
J D Pahud
the inductance of the connections. As the voltage against earth was limited to 4 kV peak at the starting OCR Output current flows in opposite directions in order to minimize the stray field due to this current and to reduce legircgit 2 All dipoles are connected in series via two non-isolated watercooled pipes in which the quadrupole magnets (half of them being focusing quadrupoles, the other half defocusing). The complete load is distributed all around the tunnel. It consists of 744 dipole
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... ts and 228 2.1 xt of the 1 2. DESCRETION OE LOAD AND THE VAR! equipment, which is widely spread over the site, while trying to give to you some advice. operation of the SPS. The final aim of this lecture is to transmit to you a part of our experience with such equipment. We will also present some major difficulties encountered, especially during the first years of related to the interlocks, diagnosis and fault fmding principles, and which aims to minimize the down time of the getting it to run with a high reliability is certainly also very important. So we will describe our system philosophy operational aspects. Fulfilling the required accuracies and performance of such an equipment is fundamental, but In the last part, we will communicate some of the experience accumulated over years related to the current control with one and two loops). evolution of all the different control systems which were used till now (tield and voltage, current and voltage, After this presentation of the power part, we will then describe and comment in the next section on the are then presented. power converters, with some comments about the choice of the solutions, and their connections to the magnets (circumference of about 7 km), and all the different required cycles is first given. The design of the individual A description of the load (dipoles and quadrupoles F + D), which is located in the SPS tunnel 1. LNTRODUCTION encountered and the reliability are presented in this paper. experience acquired in the power part, the controls, the interlocks, the difficulties presentation of the main power system (for the dipole and quadrupole magnets), the accelerating electrons and posiuons from 3.5 GeV/c to 20 GeV/c. After a global protons and antiprotons. Recently, the SPS has been used as the LEP -Injector, years later, the SPS was adapted as a storage ring to generate collisions between accelerate protons from 10 to 400 GeV/c, then improved to reach 450 GeV/c. A few constant evolution of the machine requirements. It was originally designed to performance, control and interlocks were continuously improved in order to meet the The main power supply of the CERN -SPS was built more than 15 years ago. Its AB CERN, Geneva.