Contents Vol. 4

2018 Ocular Oncology and Pathology  
Klufas, M.A.; Richter, E.; Itty, S.; Moreno, C.; McCannel, C.A.; McCannel, T.A. (Los Angeles, CA) 23 Retinoblastoma: A Sixteen-Year Review of the Presentation, Treatment, and Outcome from a Tertiary Care Institute in Northern India Singh, U.; Katoch, D.; Kaur, S.; Dogra, M.R.; Bansal, D.; Kapoor, R. (Chandigarh) 44 Selective Intra-Arterial Embolization for Advanced Extrascleral Uveal Melanoma Villegas, V.M. (Río Piedras/Miami, FL); Monagas, M.; Campbell, J. 90 Granular Cell Tumor Located in the
more » ... Bulbar Subconjunctival Space Marback, E.F.; Studart, E.; Espinheira Fonseca, L., Jr.; Marback, R.L. (Salvador) 107 Conjunctival Metastasis of a Cutaneous Melanoma Brouwer, N.J.; Marinkovic, M.; Jochems, A.; Kapiteijn, E.W.; van Duinen, S.G.; Haeseker, B.I.; Jager, M.J.; Luyten, G.P.M. (Leiden) 112 Malignant Transformation of a Multi-Operated Divided Nevus of the Eyelids Lemaître, S.; Gardrat, S.; Vincent-Salomon, A.; Galatoire, O.; Lévy-Gabriel, C.; Desjardins, L. (Paris) 116 Ram, R.; Marolf, M.D.; Chévez-Barrios, P.; Herce, H.H. (Houston, TX) 152 Atypical Fibroxanthoma of the Bulbar Conjunctiva: A Unique Case Describing the Pathology, Clinical Presentation, and Management Kuiper, J.; Shah, A.; Kuennen, R.; Schoenfield, L. (Columbus, OH) 157 Radiation Retinopathy 47 Years following Brachytherapy for Retinoblastoma Bellerive, C.; Singh, A.D. (Cleveland, OH) 161 Leser-Trélat Syndrome in a Male with Breast Carcinoma and Eyelid Basal Cell Carcinoma Garg, R.; Madan, S.; Prakash, P.; Chander, R.; Choudhary, M. (New Delhi) 165 Congenital Orbital Rhabdomyosarcoma Eghtedari, M.; Farsiani, A.R.; Bordbar, M.R. (Shiraz) 176 Early Neuroblastic and Astrocytic Differentiation
doi:10.1159/000494246 fatcat:ewl5itreovdcrauwtlcdxhvjde