S91 Once-daily tiotropium Respimat(R) add-on to ICS + LABA improves symptom control and reduces exacerbations in patients with symptomatic asthma

D. Price, M. Engel, P. Moroni-Zentgraf, H. Schmidt, R. Dahl, P. Paggiaro, M. Vandewalker, H. Kerstjens, A. Kaplan
2014 Thorax  
all patients with a DNAH11 defect (n = 5) compared to healthy controls (n = 3) and patients with PCD due to a defect of the central pair or nexin link (n = 3) ( Figure 1) . A reduction in outer dynein arm volume of 30% was identified compared to healthy and PCD controls. In conclusion, a mutation in DNAH11 results in a subtle abnormality in ultrastructure. The defects are specific to the 'forearm' of the outer dynein arm and only detectable at the base of the cilium where DNAH11 is located.
more » ... tron tomography is highly effective in visualising this defect.
doi:10.1136/thoraxjnl-2014-206260.97 fatcat:imfz5pttg5cxrb5el2zgymchgi