Order and disorder in the ensemble of Cu-O chain fragments in oxygen-deficient planes ofYBa2Cu3O6+x

Gennadi Uimin
1994 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
In connection with numerous X-ray and neutron investigations of some high temperature superconductors (YBa_2Cu_3O_6+x and related compounds) a non-trivial part of the structure factor, coming from partly disordered Cu-O-...-O-Cu chain fragments, situated within basal planes, CuO_x, can be a subject of theoretical interest. Closely connected to such a diffusive part of the structure factor are the correlation lengths, which are also available in neutron and X-ray diffraction studies and depend
more » ... a degree of oxygen disorder in a basal plane. The quantitative measure of such a disorder can be associated with temperature of a sample anneal, T_q, at which oxygen in a basal plane remains frozen-in high temperature equilibrium after a fast quench of a sample to room or lower temperature. The structure factor evolution with x is vizualized in figures after the numerical calculations. The theoretical approach employed in the paper has been developed for the orthorhombic state of YBCO.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.50.9531 pmid:9975007 fatcat:u6c65dxukzhh5ank6icwqoiepy