Different Approaches in Uncertainty Evaluation for Measurement of Complex Surfaces Using Coordinate Measuring Machine

Igor Vrba, Rudolf Palencar, Miodrag Hadzistevic, Branko Strbac, Vesna Spasic-Jokic, Janko Hodolic
2015 Measurement Science Review  
This paper describes a methodology for uncertainty assessment for Coordinate Measuring Machine measurement of complex real work pieces from industry. The study applied two approaches (in scanning mode only) for estimating the measurement uncertainty with the support of Taguchi plan in the experiment containing five factors: scanning speed, sample density, probe configuration, scanning direction, and position of measuring object. In the first approach the uncertainty was estimated by measuring
more » ... e basic geometric objects (primitives like sphere and torus) representing the decomposition of complex surfaces and in the second one a complex surface was treated as an unknown quantity. Calculated uncertainty Type A for both measurement tasks was in the range from 0.65 μm to 6.47 μm. Evaluation of the uncertainty Type B covered specifications of the machine and standard uncertainties derived from temperature effects. Total uB component was found to be in order of 0.4 μm. Future research will be directed towards the development and application of simulation methods
doi:10.1515/msr-2015-0017 fatcat:m635euc7tvabjhc5ate26pde5i