Grid-Based Key Pre-Distribution in Wireless Sensor Networks

Abedelaziz Mohaisen
2009 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
In this paper, we introduce a grid-based key pre-distribution scheme in wireless sensor networks, which aims to improve the connectivity and resiliency while maintaining a reasonable overhead. We consider simplification of the key establishment logic and enhancement of the connectivity via plat polynomial assignment on a three-dimensional grid for node allocation and keying material assignment. We demonstrate that our scheme results in improvements via a detailed discussion on the connectivity,
more » ... resource usage, security features and resiliency. A comparison with other relevant works from the literature along with a demonstrated implementation on typical sensor nodes shows the feasibility of the introduced scheme and its applicability for large networks.
doi:10.3837/tiis.2009.02.005 fatcat:e36ydc37mbbzhdrgeq653lvaju