The Story of an Antiracist Project as Difficult Knowledge: Misalignment between Conscious Intent Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies and Unconscious Desire Introduction: Beginning with the Rationalist and Individual Paradigms

Jenna Shim
2014 Journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies   unpublished
This study is an exploration into the author's unconscious emotional world animated by a yearlong anti-racist project with three student teachers. Using Deborah Britzman's contemporary psychoanalytic perspective as a broad conceptual framework, the author frames the story of the antiracist project as difficult knowledge and uses the psychoanalytic concept of transference to symbolize and engage in the process of working through her emotional experience. The author organizes the story of the
more » ... racist project in the following ways: the "furor to teach, " fantasy of the antiracist educator, and students' uneven progress: an attachment to and idealization of certainty. The author argues that critical pedagogy that does not consider the unconscious world of the critical pedagogue is doing critical education uncritically because the effects of what we do not consciously know but nevertheless enact are central to the classroom. 2