𝒪(αsυ2) correction to J/ψ plus ηc production in e+e− annihilation at √s = 10.6 GeV
Xi-Huai Li, Jian-Xiong Wang
Chinese Physics C, High Energy Physics & Nuclear Physics
Based on the nonrelativistic QCD factorization approach, O(α_s v^2) corrections to plus η_c production in e^+e^- annihilation at √(s)=10.6 is calculated in this work. The numerical results show that the correction at α_s v^2 order is only about a few percent for the total theoretical result. It indicates that the perturbative expansions for the theoretical prediction become convergence and higher order correction will be smaller. The uncertainties from the long-distance matrix elements,
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... ization scale and the measurement in experiment are also discussed. Our result is in agreement with previous result in ref [1].