О первом актанте русского предлога(On the First Actant of the Russian Preposition)

Lennart Lönngren
2007 Poljarnyj Vestnik: Norwegian Journal of Slavic Studies  
n the typical case, semantic (i.e., valency-carrying) prepositions are two- place predicates. The noun governed by the preposition can be regarded as its second actant. This is the actant together with which the preposition forms a syntactic preposition phrase. The first actant often, but not always, precedes the preposition. Unlike the second actant, the form of the first actant is not determined by the preposition.In the article, the inventory of possible forms of the first actant is
more » ... ed. Moreover, special attention is paid to ambiguous constructions. For example, the preposition together with its second actant can function as an attribute of the first actant. Under certain circumstances, however, the preposition phrase may become detached, so that it is no longer syntac- tically, only semantically, connected with the first actant.
doi:10.7557/6.1308 fatcat:uqj5zprcuze25aycehlhnb4xjy