Non-convex Flux Functions and Compound Shock Waves in Sediment Beds [chapter]

Gert Bartholomeeusen, Hans De Sterck, Gilliane Sills
2003 Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications  
Sediment layers deposited under water undergo a deformation that for low soil concentrations can be described by a scalar nonlinear hyperbolic conservation law. The associated flux function is non-convex and compound shock waves arise, which are shocks followed or preceded by a rarefaction with the shock speed equal to the wave speed at the point of attachment. The paper describes an experimental study of compound shock waves in sediment beds and the numerical modelling of the sedimentation
more » ... ess using an experimentally obtained flux function for kaolinite soil. The work also fits in a broader investigation of the transition parameter between the physical processes of soil sedimentation and consolidation, as the data obtained allows identification of this parameter.
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55711-8_31 fatcat:saagvahtzfbdtdt3nzmgtghpza