Scientific and Technological Progress Analysis of Space Technologies

Adel I. Abdullin, Dinar A. Valeev
2019 Helix  
The study of the issues on use and exploration of outer space, which were made possible thanks to the development of new means of technology, required concerted action by different states. International cooperation in space exploration is also promoted by the high cost of research and the economic feasibility of joint projects. Despite the long history of international cooperation in space exploration, today in connection with the rapid development of space research, the involvement of an
more » ... sing number of states in space activity, and the emergence of new subjects of international space law, the forms and nature of international cooperation are evolving. In the age of the Internet, of the fourth scientific revolution and the unstable political situation of law and order in the world, it is important for modern society to find diplomatic ways for international communication of states in space exploration. In the proposed paper, the authors consider the history of the main directions of international cooperation in the field of space exploration, their dynamics and features are studied. We study the corresponding doctrine, the scientific literature, and international sources of outer space law dedicated to the raised issues. The authors analyse the history, concept, legal nature of international space law, the evolution of forms of international cooperation, the international regulatory framework for international cooperation in space. The paper presents the historical trends of the international interaction of states in space exploration, analysis of not only the legal, but also the technological component of the problem, the study of the specifics of the interaction between international scientific cooperation and the emergence of outer space law, the results of studying the main trends and forms of the dynamics of international space law. In conclusion, the authors draw their own opinion aimed at solving the analysed topic.
doi:10.29042/2019-5482-5485 fatcat:xd4jpvqe6bftdeyo6orfh5hjsu