Recent insights into oocyte - follicle cell interactions provide opportunities for the development of new approaches to in vitro maturation

Robert B. Gilchrist
2011 Reproduction, Fertility and Development  
The last 5-10 years of research in ovarian and oocyte biology has delivered some major new advances in knowledge of the molecular and cellular processes regulating oocyte maturation and oocyte developmental competence. These new insights include, among others: (1) the knowledge that oocytes regulate granulosa and cumulus cell differentiation, ovulation rate and fertility via the secretion of soluble paracrine growth factors; (2) new perspectives on the participation of cyclic nucleotides,
more » ... odiesterases and gap junctions in the regulation of oocyte meiotic arrest and resumption; and (3) the new appreciation of the mechanisms of LH-induced oocyte maturation and ovulation mediated by the follicular cascade of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like peptides, the EGF receptor and their intracellular second messengers. These recent insights into oocyte-follicle cell interactions provide opportunities for the development of new approaches to oocyte in vitro maturation (IVM). Laboratory IVM methodologies have changed little over the past 20-30 years and IVM remains notably less efficient than hormone-stimulated IVF, limiting its wider application in reproductive medicine and animal breeding. The challenge for oocyte biologists and clinicians practicing IVM is to modernise clinical IVM systems to benefit from these new insights into oocyte-follicle cell interactions in vivo.
doi:10.1071/rd10225 pmid:21366977 fatcat:gnbs44rbivgr5crjmq2qor6koy