Enhancement in Security of Data in Cloud Storage using Key-Exchange and Encryption Standards

Ravikant, Umesh Lilhore, M Tech Scholar, Asst Professor
IJSDR1611027 International Journal of Scientific Development and Research   unpublished
Nowadays most of the people are using cloud environment for their storage, application support and platform support. Due to having the limited physical storage in PC/ laptops or in mobile phones, users are getting diverted towards the cloud storage. As the habit of cloud is growing day by day, the major concern is the security of data in the cloud. Some of the organizations have given the option to store the encrypted files on the cloud, but another aspect which comes in front of us is the
more » ... nticity of the user, whether a valid user is downloading the files from the cloud or not. There are many algorithms which are used to provide the security of the data in the cloud such as DES, TDES, AES for encryption and decryption. Other algorithms for key exchange are Diffie-Hellman, RSA, etc. In this paper we are analyzing different algorithms for the security of data.