Rhynosteus, gen.n. e notas sobre Hoplostelis Dominique (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Megachilidae)

Jesus S. Moure, Danúncia Urban
1994 Revista Brasileira de Zoologia  
RIIYNOS1EUS. GEN .N. AN DT AXONOMIC NOTES ON HOPLOS1EUS DOMIN IQUE (HVMENOPTERA. APOIDEA. MEGACIIILlDAE) . Rhynostelis, gen.u. is proposed as new genus for Anthit/i/lm mll/tiplicalllm Smith, 1879. Ilhas in commom wilh Hoplostelis a slrong basallooth on upper border of mandibl~s . Main differences wilh Hoplostelis ar~: mandibular shape , configuralion of mandibular teeth on apical border, a rounded tubercule on upper clypear third, m~soscutum posteriorly bigibbous, scutellum transverse-bigibbous
more » ... , pre~pisternal carina laminate and almost complete, basal portlon of propodeum without foveae and a median carina on last three terga .
doi:10.1590/s0101-81751994000200014 fatcat:getkuks7s5aklepzueatvjqzmq