Application of molecular markers in livestock improvement

A. Teneva, M.P. Petrovic
2010 Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry  
With recent developments in DNA technologies, a large number of genetic polymorphisms at DNA sequence level has been introduced over the last decades as named DNA-based markers. The discovery of new class of DNA profiling markers has facilitated the development of marker-based gene tags, mapbased cloning of livestock important genes, variability studies, phylogenetic analysis, synteny mapping, marker-assisted selection of favourable genotypes, etc. The most commonly used DNA-based markers have
more » ... dvantages over the traditional phenotypic and biochemical markers since they provide data that can be analyzed objectively. In this article the main applications of molecular markers in present-day breeding strategies for livestock improvement -parentage determination, genetic distance estimation, genetic diversity, gene mapping and marker-assisted selection have been reviewed.
doi:10.2298/bah1004135t fatcat:dupuvyovdrcvhpihc4wsvtvoly