Interaction Themes in Music Therapy: Definition and Delimitation

Ulla Holck
2004 Nordic Journal of Music Therapy  
Based on a doctoral study, the author presents a type of music therapy interaction called 'Interaction Themes.' These are developed from session to session and often appear in music therapy interventions with children with severe functional limitations, especially children with autism. Although the Interaction Themes are characterised by a relatively simple and selfgenerated content, they have an essential function because they contain the child's and music therapist's joint interaction
more » ... They make up the context within which it is possible to create meaningful interaction with a client group whose expressions are often difficult to understand. The article describes the characteristics and functions of Interaction Themes, compares the phenomenon with music therapy case literature and delimits it in regard to other types of music therapy interaction with this client group. The results are described through qualitative analysis methods applied to clinical video material, including member checking, negative case analyses, and pattern-generalisation.
doi:10.1080/08098130409478094 fatcat:mynmb7iou5f6zn54lwswgzy2wm