Continuous-wave and Q-switched Tm-doped KY(WO_4)_2 planar waveguide laser at 184 µm

Western Bolaños, Joan J. Carvajal, Xavier Mateos, Eugenio Cantelar, Ginés Lifante, Uwe Griebner, Valentin Petrov, Vladimir L. Panyutin, Ganapathy S. Murugan, James S. Wilkinson, Magdalena Aguiló, Francesc Díaz
2011 Optics Express  
High-quality monoclinic planar waveguide crystals of Tm-doped KY(WO 4 ) 2 codoped with Gd 3+ and Lu 3+ were grown by liquid-phase epitaxy. For the first time, planar waveguide lasing was demonstrated in a monolithic cavity in the 2 µm spectral range. The laser was operated in the Q-switched mode using a Cr 2+ :ZnSe crystal as saturable absorber and in the continuous-wave regimes. The Q-switched planar waveguide laser delivered pulse energies up to 120 nJ at a repetition rate of 7 kHz.
doi:10.1364/oe.19.001449 pmid:21263686 fatcat:ibaonzaf7ja3rndeeuqtmv7dwe