Comment on "Amplification of endpoint structure for new particle mass measurement at the LHC"

A. J. Barr, C. Gwenlan, C. G. Lester, C. J. S. Young
2011 Physical Review D  
We present a comment on the kinematic variable m_CT2 recently proposed in "Amplification of endpoint structure for new particle mass measurement at the LHC". The variable is designed to be applied to models such as R-parity conserving Supersymmetry (SUSY) when there is pair production of new heavy particles each of which decays to a single massless visible and a massive invisible component. It was proposed in "Amplification of endpoint structure for new particle mass measurement at the LHC"
more » ... a measurement of the peak of the m_CT2 distribution could be used to precisely constrain the masses of the SUSY particles. We show that when Standard Model backgrounds are included in simulations, the sensitivity of the m_CT2 variable to the SUSY particle masses is more seriously impacted for m_CT2 than for other previously proposed variables.
doi:10.1103/physrevd.83.118701 fatcat:mkftvbg3ivgjddplrf3nux4ai4