Das Asylsystem Ecuadors

Antonia Seilern
2010 unpublished
This paper examines the asylum system of Ecuador. The interest in this topic results from rising refugee numbers, who flee the conflict in Colombia. The principal actors involved in ecuadorian asylum policy-making are identified and put into relation to each other. Political actors are distinguished on three different levels: on the international level, the state level and among the civil society. Each one of these levels exerts influence of different intensity in the policy-process concerning
more » ... sylum policies. The political system was changed radically due to the implementation of a new constitution in the year 2008, which led to a strenghtening of the executive branch and a newly assigned role to the civil society. The current registration process of the refugee population living in the northern provinces of Ecuador is being analyzed, integration measures evaluated and ambivalent aspects in the present asylum policies of the president Rafael Correa shown. A change of power among the principal actors is made apparent, which led to a greater participation of state actors.
doi:10.25365/thesis.10229 fatcat:svfpmlq63vagznyv3tuptui4hq