A phenomenological note on the missing $\rho_2$ meson

Shahriyar Jafarzade
2022 Proceedings of 41st International Conference on High Energy physics — PoS(ICHEP2022)   unpublished
The 𝜌 2 meson is the missing isovector member of the meson nonet with the quantum numbers 𝐽 𝑃𝐶 = 2 −− . It belongs to the class of 𝜌-mesons such as the vector meson 𝜌(770), the excited vector 𝜌(1700) and the tensor 𝜌 3 (1690). Yet, despite the rich experimental and theoretical studies for other 𝜌-meson states, no resonance that could be assigned to the 𝜌 2 meson has been measured. In this note, we present the results for the mass and dominant decay channels of the 𝜌 2 meson within the extended Linear Sigma Model.
doi:10.22323/1.414.0903 fatcat:oaslwvrv3rberdgoa73efraspq