Motor Learning In Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - A Literature Review

Silvia Regina Pinheiro Malheiros, Denise Cardoso Ribeiro, Mayra Priscila Bolcolo Alvarez, Bruna Leal de Freitas, Camila Miliani Capelini, Thais Massetti, Talita Dias da Silva, Luiz Carlos de Abreu, Rubens Wajnsztejn, Carlos Bandeira de Mello Monteiro
2015 International Archives of Medicine  
Objective: To present and discuss the outcomes in the literature regarding the process of motor learning and/or motor ability in people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Method: A timeless search was performed in the electronic databases PubMed and BVS (Virtual Health Library), with the keywords "Duchenne muscular dystrophy" (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy), "motor learning" (learning engine), "motor skills" (ability motor). We used the Boolean AND/OR, and/or to give more specific research
more » ... d sensitivity to the survey, and papers were only accepted in Portuguese and English. The studies were reviewed independently by two researchers, and after reading the titles and abstracts, they identified the works that were included for analysis and scoring. Results: The search yielded 18 articles and four studies met all inclusion criteria. The results show that DMD maintains motor learning patterns, even with the progressive dysfunction. They also focus on lower performance compared to individuals with normal development. However, there are differences in the impact and magnitude of the influence of factors such as cognitive ability, deterioration of the perceptual motor process and kinetic impairment in the motor learning of people with DMD. Conclusion: The process of motor learning in people with DMD remains, even with the progressive nature of the disease, and it is essential to further clarify how this process takes place, as well as the variables behave.
doi:10.3823/1816 fatcat:vyzyaenqhvdajbosipniovixjm