Is the Quality of Governance a Good Pointer to the General Economic Health of the Country?

P. Madumi, Stellenbosch University, South Africa
2019 Journal of Reviews on Global Economics  
Good governance is believed to be instrumental in facilitating an environment for sustainable economic growth, especially for developing countries. It is no surprise that there is a growing public interest in the interplay of political and economic systems in South Africa. The chief concern is that the country is plagued by a couple of economic challenges such as sluggish gross domestic product (GDP) growth, poverty, lack of service delivery, poor financial management, weak business confidence,
more » ... massive unemployment, and corruption are threats to the economic growth. It is generally believed that good governance would minimize persistent ills of the economy and ultimately pave the way for restoring economic growth. But is the quality governance the principal stimulus of a country's economic growth? This is the chief questions which this article will attempt to answer. Based on the good governance and neoclassical growth theory, and good governance theory, this article seeks to analyse and evaluates the impact of the quality of governance on the growth of the economy in South Africa.
doi:10.6000/1929-7092.2019.08.132 fatcat:pst3mm77vzbl7aog3gog762cpu