A Study on the Installation Method of Down Conductors of the Lightning Protection System, using Rebar in Reinforced Concrete Structures
철근콘크리트 구조물 내의 철근을 활용한 피뢰설비 인하도선의 설치방법에 관한 연구

Young-Chul Lee, Ju-Cheol Lee
2013 Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers  
IEC Standards on lightning protection system specify the use of natural components as down conductors. This paper provides an analysis of problems revealed from our field investigation and survey conducted for the relevant experts in the construction site where natural components are used as down conductors. It also considers a suitable condition for installing natural components as down conductors in accordance with the latest version of the standard. As a result, when rebars of reinforced
more » ... rete are used as down conductors, vertical bars consisting of rebars of which thickness is not less than D13(127 ㎟) should be connected by welding, clamps or bound joints, using appropriate connection components conforming to IEC Standards. The lashed joints, however, shall not be applied for down conductors.
doi:10.5207/jieie.2013.27.7.101 fatcat:biikyihgqbfr3mf6osg5jhzhxy