Radiating gravitational collapse with shearing motion and bulk viscosity

R. Chan
2001 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
A model is proposed of a collapsing radiating star consisting of a shearing fluid with bulk viscosity undergoing radial heat flow with outgoing radiation. The pressure of the star, at the beginning of the collapse, is isotropic but due to the presence of the bulk viscosity the pressure becomes more and more anisotropic. The behavior of the density, pressure, mass, luminosity, the effective adiabatic index and the Kretschmann scalar is analyzed. Our work is compared to the case of a collapsing
more » ... earing fluid of a previous model, for a star with 6 M .
doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20000525 fatcat:d6hmm2cu3ndvveg7lukhauomsy