Co-sleep: Designing a workplace-based wellness program for sleep deprivation

Bing Zhai, Stuart Nicholson, Kyle Montague, Yu Guan, Patrick Olivier, Jason Ellis
2019 Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare - Demos and Posters   unpublished
Sleep deprivation is a growing public health issue which has a range of implications on a person's working routine. Yet despite the effects of sleep deprivation, workplace-based wellness programs do not have any awareness of sleep deprivation. Our study adopted a three-stage design process with nine participants from a local manufacturing company to highlight awareness of sleep deprivation. Our study contributes design considerations for the implementation of workplace-based wellness programs
more » ... at raise awareness of the importance of sleep quality as how employees can share their personal sleep data within the workplace. CCS CONCEPTS • Human-centered computing → Human computer interaction(HCI); • HCI design and evaluation methods;
doi:10.4108/eai.20-5-2019.2283753 fatcat:jgfaw4hzcbeenczguinimf4vue