Singularidad, anomalía, diferencia, olvido: La derrota de los republicanos españoles en Francia. El testimonio de Diario a dos voces de José María y Manuel Lamana

Marta Raquel Macciuci
2006 Olivar: Revista de Literatura y Cultura Españolas  
Diario a dos voces, written by José María and Manuel Lamana -father and son- is a testimony about the authors' itineraries in different French concentration camps, where they were carried after they had crossed The Pyrenees when the II Spanish Republic fell. This unusual text, composed by two authors in different times, recuperates a barely known fact of European XXth century history and, at the same time, contributes to a reflection upon the oddity of an episode that implies the arbitration of
more » ... concentration camps in a democratic state. Despite its singular features, this experience has been subjected to confusion with the horror of the nazi banishment and extermination.
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