Game-based learning "Jeopardy" in dental education: A pilot study

S Friedrich, A Moeltner, S Ruttermann, SG Szep
2019 Journal of Dental Problems and Solutions  
This randomised experimental pilot study is intended to contribute to the investigations about the learning success of students in their fi rst clinical semester of dentistry using game-based learning in "Jeopardy"-setting. In dentistry, there are no studies available on this learning and teaching context. All students from the fi rst clinical semester of the dentistry course at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main were included in this study (n=25). They underwent a pre-test with 39
more » ... ice questions (MCQ) and a 15-min solution time. The students were divided into two groups (active participants/players [A; n=13] and passive participants/listeners [P; n=12]) for the duration of two game-based learning units of "Jeopardy". Both groups then completed a post-test (39 MCQ, 15 min time). The intervention was evaluated with the help of a questionnaire to determine the satisfaction and learning behaviour of the students. An evaluation of the pre-and post-tests showed an average score increase of 2.08 points (P), with the active player group improving by 0.31P and the passive listener group improving by 4P. On the evaluation sheet, on a scale of 1-10, the setting was assessed positively by all participants (7.64±1.8); the questions asked whether self-study was stimulated (4.2±0.9 on a scale of 1-5). In addition, students indicated that they would recommend this setting to other students (4.0±0.9 on a scale of 1-5). In summary, game-based learning in "Jeopardy"-setting was assessed positively by both active and passive participants but did not facilitate a signifi cant increase in knowledge in either group.
doi:10.17352/2394-8418.000072 fatcat:ultfq3lk5fax3co4tulwyfud4i