Mechanical Behavior of the Special Segment Structure during Upward Shield Tunnel Construction

Liangliang Lu, Xinjiang Wei, Xiao Wang, Zihai Yan, Zeyu Cheng, Haoyan Hu, Luca Martinelli
2022 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
The upward shield method in horizontal tunnels has the advantages of small ground space occupation, low construction cost, and short construction period, which expresses substantial economic benefits. The special segments of horizontal shield tunnels corresponding to the upward shield method construction area have special design requirements, and different internal force calculations and analyses should be carried out. To determine the mechanical behavior of the special segment structure of
more » ... zontal shield tunnels during the construction of upward shield tunnels, the theoretical calculation formula of the internal force of the special segment structure is deduced based on the average uniform rigidity ring method. Moreover, the bending moment and axial force of special segments are numerically simulated and analyzed using Midas GTS NX software. Finally, the theoretical formula and finite element calculation results are compared and analyzed. The results show that the internal force values of the open segment ring and the adjacent segment ring of the special segment are quite different during upward shield tunnel construction. Furthermore, compared with the arch crown and arch bottom of the segment ring, the stress at the arch waist of the segment ring is the most unfavorable. The stress difference between the open segment ring and the adjacent segment ring may cause unbalanced deformation, leading to damage to the segment ring radial joint. In the design and construction, attention should be given to the shear strength of the segment ring radial joint and the bending stiffness of the ring joint at the arch waist.
doi:10.1155/2022/8587689 fatcat:cbafyes3tfd3decuep4ltfrf6q