Swept volume evaluation using the BSP-dexel representation for the 5-axis CNC machining simulation

Dmitry V. Kurennov, Evgenii I. Katz, George L. Kovács
2019 Pollack Periodica  
A new approach to the construction of a volume swept by the cutting tool is proposed for modeling 5-axis computer numerical control milling. A tool is considered to take the form of an arbitrary body of revolution. The main difference of the proposed approach is to provide the possibility of direct construction of the bulk synchronous parallel-dexel model, which, in turn, provides an effective modeling of the cutting process. Thus, it was possible to expand the scope of the given model by
more » ... ing the possibility to simulate arbitrary 5-axis computer numerical control programs. To confirm the correctness of the proposed approach, a program implementation of the corresponding algorithms has been performed. Examples of modeling of 5axis milling processing of real parts and data on time costs for the suggested modeling are given. The high efficiency of the proposed approach is proven by the results of the experiments.
doi:10.1556/606.2019.14.1.6 fatcat:dfmymzbo4vemxaek7rprefigzm