Wireless Positioning Techniques – A Developers Update [chapter]

Seamus Rooney, Keith Gardiner, James D. Carswell
Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems  
This paper describes the current efforts to develop an open source, privacy sensitive, location determination software component for mobile devices. Currently in mobile computing, the ability of a mobile device to determine its own location is becoming increasingly desirable as the usefulness of such a feature enhances many commercial applications. There have been numerous attempts to achieve this from both the network positioning perspective and also from the wireless beacon angle not to
more » ... n the integration of GPS into mobile devices. There are two important aspects to consider when using such a system which are privacy and cost. This paper describes the development of a software component that is sensitive to these issues. The ICiNG Location Client (ILC) is based on some pioneering work carried out by the Place Lab Project at Intel. (Hightower et al., 2006) The ILC advances this research to make it available on mobile devices and attempts to integrate GSM, WiFi, Bluetooth and GPS positioning into one positioning module. An outline of the ILC's design is given and some of the obstacles encountered during its development are described.
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-76925-5_12 dblp:conf/w2gis/RooneyGC07 fatcat:sp4eg6dmu5akviwmzzx3fjagom