The Computer and Internet Terms: A Gold Mine for English Dictionaries

2020 Jordan Journal of Modern Languages and Literature  
This article investigates how the internet and computer-based terminology has enriched the English lexical stock through the use of different word formation processes. It also aims to find out the incorporation rate of online-related vocabulary in four dictionaries; namely Collins Online Dictionary, Cambridge Online English Dictionary, MerriamWebster's Online Dictionary, and Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. The digital terms were extracted mainly from NetLingo categories: acronyms, online
more » ... argon, online business terms, online marketing, net hardware, net software, net technology, technical terms, and text messaging. To achieve the aims of the study, hundreds of online terms were analyzed and classified in terms of the different word formation processes such as derivation. The results show that both Greek and Latin and the internet have immensely enriched the English lexicon and that the incorporation of internet-related expressions varied considerably among the dictionaries.. Keywords: digital terms; word formation processes; borrowing, Greek and Latin; English dictionaries.
doi:10.47012/jjmll.12.2.8 fatcat:e3lf6uksq5ayhi35avbk5jlqf4