Model of Information Technology Facility Service Based on user Satisfaction

R Roslina, Syafrizal Saulan, Wanayumini
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
Most research concerning user satisfaction in using Information Technology focuses on user feedback resulting from the use of information systems as a tool to retrieve or produce information. In this case, information technology facilities provide offered hardware and software that can be used by customers to produce information, such as data analyzing software, without considering the specific needs of users. This research focused on customer responses when IT service providers understand
more » ... needs before giving them service, which includes hardware, software, staff, room and utilities provided by the information technologyservice provider. The factors that affect the level of user satisfaction were analyzed and the result showed, firstly, that there are three factors that affect the level of user satisfaction, which are: staff service, the utility that is gained, and the equipment system. Secondly, a model has been developed to information technology facilityservice.
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1361/1/012032 fatcat:imrl7gmo35a4vcuhhe6pvgclle