V. V. Golubenko, A. A. Aleksandrov, V. V. Sirotyuk
2018 The Russian Automobile and Highway Industry Journal  
Introduction. The actuality of the research is emphasized in the Strategy of proclaiming the desire for zero mortality on the country's roads. Increasing the functional durability (the service life period) of horizontal road markings is an effective and cheap way to organize the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, which could reduce the number of accidents by 15-30%.Methods. The detailed factor analysis, influenced on the functional durability of the horizontal road markings and on the
more » ... ity forecasting methods, is made by the authors.Results. The authors have established the main factors determining the functional durability of the horizontal road marking. They are divided into five groups: weather-climatic; mechanical; properties of the marking material; technological; properties of the road pavement. Moreover, the article presents a critical analysis of the existing methods of forecasting the functional durability of horizontal marking. In foreign publications on the issue under consideration there is no work on the prediction of the functional durability of horizontal marking by creating complex mathematical models. Most foreign and Russian models are based on empirical dependences. However, these methods and models do not take into account a number of important factors, such as the degree of roughness and abrasion of stone materials, their embedding in asphalt concrete coating, etc.Disscussion and conclusion. The authors came to the conclusion that attempts to create a single reliable mathematical model that takes into account more than 40 factors couldn't be realistic. Therefore, there is a task of developing a number of models that allow to have greater extent that take into account the properties of the road surface, the location and variety of marking lines and predict the functional durability of horizontal road markings for different types of road pavement more reliably.
doi:10.26518/2071-7296-2018-4-574-587 fatcat:yi2yplbhkfchrnxcuqx4l5rcoi